
Wanderers in a Sea of Fog

Reminiscent of nineteenth century paintings of the sublime, such as Caspar Friedrich’s “Monk by the Sea” (1808–1810), the subject is shared between the environment and the individuals within it.  Unlike common nineteenth century Romantic representations of the sublime, the figure passively faces the viewer, displaying their literal relationship with their environment. The result is often comical, as the people are unwitting subjects of their interaction within an omnipresent setting.  “Wanderers In a Sea of Fog” asks the viewer to reconsider our relation to our environment, and the artistic suppositions that have been handed down to us.

Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog
Wanders in the Sea of Fog